King of Mirkwood
Learn moreFirst race created by Ilúvatar
Elves are the first children of the Ilúvatar. They are immortal, but can be slain in battle. Elves do not physically age, and do not contract disease. There are different types of elves, the two main being Eldar and Avari. Under each, they splut into three seperate categories, the most famous being Sindarian and Silvan. Initially, all Elves lived in Valinor, with the Valar. But when war broke out, caused by Melkor, some elves fled to Middle Earth. Melkor was able to capture some, and twist them into his own soldiers, commonly known as orcs.
There are many famous elves, for there are many deeds they have done. Cirdan the Shipwright is the oldest being to live in Middle Earth. Lady Galadriel, married to Celeborn, was also the bearer of Nenya, one of the rins Sauron had crafted for the noblest of elves. Gil-Galad, the High King of the West. He formed the Last Alliance of Elves and to fend off Sauron at the Black Gate. There are several more, but the ones I chose are most known for their roles in the movies created about Middle Earth.
King of Mirkwood
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