Family Life

Ar-Pharazôn was a descendant of Elros, Elrond's brother. Elros was the first of the men who lived longer live than men, but were not immortal like Elves. These men were Númenoreans, from the area of Númenor.

Power Hunger

Ar-Pharazôn was known to be extremely power hungry. Anytime there was a conflict in Middle-Earth, he would show up. He was even known to fight men, who were in a way very similar in race to his own people. When he would win battles, he would return home a hero.

Alliance with Sauron

When word began to spread of a new threat in Middle-Earth, Sauron, Ar-Pharazôn called upon his people to face off with the mighty Sauron. When Ar-Pharazôn and his army showed up, Sauron's army was so frightened they retreated. Ar-Pharazôn then brought Sauron back to Númenor as a prisoner. While there Sauron would become Ar-Pharazôn's closest advisor by way of lies and flattery.

Sauron was able to corrupt Ar-Pharazôn, convincing him to worship Morgoth in the hope that he would be able to cheat mortality. Some of the results of Sauron's cunning were the erecting of a Great Temple to Morgoth, and the chopping down of the White Tree of Númenor. Soon the king and his followers were worshiping Morgoth openly and burning innocents at the altar of the temple as sacrificial offerings to appease the false god.

Attack on Valinor

As Ar-Pharazôn felt the bite of old age upon him, Sauron was able to convince him to attack Valinor and claim the right to immortality by force. He began the building of a huge fleet, and broke the Ban of the Valar which stated that no immortal beings could land in the Undying Lands. The Valar then called to Eru, the highest of beings who created Middle-Earth, to help them. Eru sank Ar-Pharazôn's entire fleet, along with bringing Númenor to the ground.